Congratulations to Huiyuan's products successfully passed the CRCC certification audit

From April 20th to 21st, two experts from the CRCC certification center conducted a two-day product certification supervision and audit on the company. The certification audit products are polymer modified bitumen waterproof membrane and polyurethane waterproof coating. The experts conducted detailed written inspections and on-site product testing on the product's production operation and quality assurance capabilities over the past year.
The audit is based on the general requirements and specific requirements of the CRCC product certification implementation rules, company quality system documents, relevant technical standards, technical documents, relevant laws and regulations, etc.
During the certification, the company leaders personally participated and emphasized that all relevant departments should actively cooperate with the audit work, rectify problems in a timely manner, and continuously improve the company's product quality assurance capabilities.
At the site, the audit experts confirmed the consistency of the key materials and components of the certified products, the necessary production equipment, process equipment and necessary measurement and inspection equipment, and the technical personnel of the enterprise.
The company's testing personnel made a detailed report on the operation of the equipment to the experts. After a rigorous review, the expert group praised the company's testing equipment operation and quality management and control, and requested to continue to fine-tune the product testing and quality maintenance.
After a two-day audit, the audit team believes that the company's quality management system is operating effectively, CRCC certified products meet the special requirements stipulated by the CRCC certification center, have quality assurance capabilities, and the product successfully passes all aspects of the audit.
The product has passed the CRCC reassessment certification, which means that Huiyuan has continuously strengthened its product quality assurance ability, which can ensure the safety and stability of the product.

